BUCKCHERRY: 'Fifteen' To Receive U.S. Release In April
January 17, 2006Beginning today (Tuesday, January 17),Yahoo! Music will offer an exclusive download of BUCKCHERRY's raucous track "Crazy Bitch" on at this location. Simultaneously, an explicit, sexed-up version of the video will premiere on SuicideGirls.com at this location.
The song and video, directed by Ulf Buddensieck (CHEVELLE, SWITCHFOOT, BUSH),mark the first glimpse BUCKCHERRY's U.S. fans have of the band's new album, "Fifteen". In addition, "Crazy Bitch" is currently the #1 most-requested song on XM Satellite Radio's "Boneyard" and "Squizz" hard rock and alternative rock channels for three consecutive weeks. To download the track exclusively available on Yahoo! Music, click here.
In other news, BUCKCHERRY will make a live appearance Wednesday, January 25 on the "Chaos" rock show on Indie 103.1 FM (10:00 p.m.-12:00 a.m. Pacific) in Los Angeles. To listen in live, click on this link.
Look for BUCKCHERRY — founding vocalist Josh Todd and guitarist Keith Nelson, as well as newcomers Xavier Muriel (drums),Stevie D. (guitars) and bassist Jimmy Ashhurst — to release "Fifteen" on April 11. The CD, which was released in Japan last October, was co-produced by Nelson with Mike Plotnikoff and Paul DeCarli, and features such soon-to-be anthems as "Next 2 You" and a pair of songs co-written by Marti Frederiksen (AEROSMITH, DEF LEPPARD),including the power ballad "Sorry".